OurFren: Crafting Joy, Conserving Nature

At OurFren, we create more than plush toys; we forge bonds of joy and care. Every toy is a step towards a greener future, with 10% of our profits supporting the cause. Join us in embracing warmth, wonder, and a world where every hug makes a difference.


Embrace, Educate, Conserve with OurFren

OurFren's mission is to bring comfort and conservation together. Through our expertly crafted plush toys, we aim to educate hearts and minds about wildlife, dedicating a portion of every sale to animal rescue and conservation efforts. Together, let's give a hug to nature. At an early age, our founder found the boundless love of plushies that seemingly came to life in his imagination.


OurFren: Hugs for a Better Tomorrow

Join OurFren in a heartfelt mission where each plush toy is a bridge from childhood to a conscious future. We're dedicated to crafting memories and safeguarding wildlife, donating to conservation with every purchase. Embrace our plush companions, embrace change.


OurFren: Where Love Meets Legacy

OurFren stands at the intersection of cherished memories and meaningful action. Our plush toys, born from a love of childhood wonders and a commitment to nature, support wildlife conservation, inviting you to be part of a legacy of love and responsibility. Enact real change with real love.